Artist Spotlight:  Fausto Ramos

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Over the past year and half, we here at Yellow Hibiscus Gallery, have had the privilege of meeting and befriending some of the most talented artist out there.  We think that it is important for our readers and customers to get a chance to know these creators as well. Hence this Q&A.  For our first one, we sat down with Fausto Ramos, our New York based graffiti/pop/mixed-media artist, to learn more about him and his craft.   

Tell us something unique about yourself.

I have been obsessed with writing, drawing, and painting on surfaces since I was in grade school.  Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll tell you that it’s true. 

Where do you draw your inspiration?

I’ve always stopped to think about the connections and distinctions between life and everything that I continue to find along the way.  My daily observations inspire me, and are an inevitable part of my work.  I find that many things interest me.  From one day to the next, some images often become quite vivid in my mind and they quickly find their path into my art.   

Walk us through your creative process.

Taking a blank space and changing it is a powerful process. I usually prefer to be lighthearted about the beginning phase of any piece.  This means that anything on my mind goes on the panel or surface, even if it's a written message.  Even after covering it, I know that it's there.  It becomes a hidden birthmark of sorts.

Creating artwork allows me to connect my thoughts and ideas, even when they may not make sense right away in my mind.  This is how I manage to bring my imagination to life. 

What or who is inspiring you at the moment? 

I can go on about this for quite some time, as so many people and ideas are constantly inspiring me to think and create.  My wife Christine, who has known me since I was 17 years old, continues to inspire me with her unconditional belief in me and my art.  I love to talk to her about all of my thoughts and ideas.  My brother and business partner, Luis F. Perez, is an incredible artist who inspires me with his skillful work and dedication to art.  My uncle Larry.  Thinking about his wisdom and everything that I've learned from him is another driving force for me.  Always has been, and always will be.  Witnessing his involvement in many of the subcultures present in New York City during the 1980’s is part of my foundation as an artist.  The intricacy of New York City and life within it are also concepts that inspire me. Witnessing chaos and order, all at once.

What should we expect to see from you in the future?

To put it shortly, more.  A lot more artwork.  Large-scale murals and collaborations with other artists.  I also plan on putting down a lot of new ideas on canvas.  Some are new, and some are images that I’ve been putting together in my mind for several months.  I look forward to sharing these with everyone and remaining on my endless pursuit of education and self-expression.

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1 Comment

  • Great work! I look forward to reading more of these in the future.

    Timothy on

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